League B and Kappa unveil new red ball: no to violence against women
League B and Kappa present the new red ball
Lega B and Kappa® are proud to present the now iconic red ball that will accompany the teams of Serie BKT during the 14th day of the championship. An initiative that unites the world of soccer with the social cause against violence against women, strongly supporting a battle that deserves maximum commitment and visibility.
The red ball, made by Kappa®, è has become a symbol of a powerful and universal message that Lega B President Mauro Balata, together with the 20 clubs, has been conveying for years: respect, protection and preservation of women's rights, an issue that today more than ever needs to be at the center of attention. Every match that will be played during the fourteenth round will have this special ball as its protagonist, carrying its meaning far beyond the boundaries of the playing field.
The ’goal è to raise awareness and unite fans, enthusiasts and public opinion so that a collective cultural revolution is generated through sports as a tool for social change.
“Football has an enormous ability to reach people,” says President Mauro Balata, “and with our red ball we want to firmly express that violence against women represents a horrendous and unacceptable crime. I would like
again thank Kappa® for the established synergy and for sharing fundamental values such as inclusiveness and respect”.
“Being alongside the B League in an’initiative of such social impact è for Kappa® reason for great pride – says Alessandro Boglione, Executive Vice President of BasicNet S.p.A -. With the red ball we want to give a clear and important signal, bringing to the fields of Serie BKT a symbol that unites everyone against violence against women. We thank the B League and its President for sharing this initiative to raise awareness and unite towards a culture of respect”.
The special red KOMBAT TM Ball will be on sale from Friday, November 22 on Kappa.com.