Figc, Gabriele Gravina stands for reelection and warns Alex Del Piero

The current Figc's No. 1 is banking on the support of the Amateur League and Assocalciatori
In the end, he decided to run again. Elected for the first time in 2018, Gravina, through the columns of Corriere della Sera, let it be known that he has decided to run again for the role of Figc number 1. After careful consideration, he chose to continue, so that he could finish his job.
Gravina knows he has the support of several components, including Lega Dilettanti and Assocalciatori. In short, there would be the numbers to bring home a new victory and another four years as president. The vote è scheduled for next Feb. 3 with Gravina appearing to be the number one favorite at this point.
On Del Piero’s possible candidacy, Gravina è was clear: "I don’t go into that. Alex è was a great champion and gave so much to world soccer and to the Azzurri jersey. I tried to involve him in Federcalcio, but his commitments always took him around the world. Forò it takes someone to run for office. And it also applies to him", his words always to Corriere della Sera.
At this point, there's only to wait to see if someone (Del Piero, ed.) will be a candidate for the presidency of the Figc. In the meantime, Gravina has put his own cards on the table that seem to be winning. despite the ongoing investigation by the Rome Prosecutor's Office (under investigation for self-laundering).