Federbasket, Gianni Petrucci goes down flat after reappointment

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Gianni Petrucci confirmed president of FIP

Elections for the role of president of the Italian Basketball Federation for the four-year Olympic period 2025-2028 have rewarded Gianni Petrucci, who thus remains in the role he already occupied until now since 2013 (previously he was president between 1992 and 1999, before becoming, from '99 to 2013, president of Coni). Petrucci received 70.83 percent of the vote, compared with 23.96 for Guido Valori (5, however, blank ballots).

In the words pronounced by Petrucci himself after the reappointment, there is no lack of a bitter outburst: "This success has a special flavor, because é this election campaign è started with so many nastinesses that I sincerely did not explain to myself – he said -. I have always been in my place, I believe that my election depends on the quality, fairness and competence shown by my entire team, which è was elected entirely".

" I thank my family, which è has been close to me during this period, and then all those who have been at my side, from Secretary General Maurizio Bertea to all federal employees,” Petrucci added. “A hug goes to Gaetano Laguardia, who left us a year ago but è always in my heart and in my memories: the dedication è for one of our employees, who a few weeks ago lost his little girl in dramatic circumstances".

"The three Leagues have always been by my side, I thank them for the great work they are doing: in February we are organizing a meeting with LBA, LNP, LBF and our representatives from the territory to evaluate criticalitiesà and opportunitiesà. I also thank the presidents of the Regional Committees, coaches, athletes and even referees, who in the’Assembly do not vote".

"We have a lot of ideas, we will treasure our mistakes and strongly relaunch the two technical projects started in the past months thanks to the work of Salvatore Trainotti and Luigi Datome and with the collaboration of Germano Foglieni. I believe I am the first president of a basketball federation elected on World Basketball Day, a coincidence that can only please me" then concluded the reappointed FIP president.

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