Milan, Ibrahimovic-Conceiçao confrontation after Champions League flop

Milan, Ibrahimovic-Conceiçao confrontation after Champions League flop
Milan is trying to fight back the day after the disastrous Champions League elimination against Feyenoord, which cost the Rossoneri club more than 10 million euros. Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Geoffrey Moncada visited Milanello to meet with the team and coach Sergio Conceiçao with a view to the continuation of the season.
The purpose of the meeting è to prevent the strong European disappointment from affecting the championship, where the goal è has now become fourth place at all costs, to avert the total failure of the season. Sergio Conceiçao at the moment does not risk his bench, but everything will depend on the team's reaction in the coming weeks.
The Diavolo at the moment è away from fourth place 5 points, although they have a game to make up next February 27 in Bologna. As Milannews reports, managers are calling for a reaction and a thorough analysis of the situation, especially from the most experienced players, to avoid a possible collapse in the coming weeks.
The team è is also still in the running in the Coppa Italia, where Milan è already qualified for the semifinals and awaits the winner of the match between Lazio and Inter.