European indoor championships, Larissa Iapichino gold in the long 27 years after mom Fiona May

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European indoors, Larissa Iapichino gold in the long 27 years after mom Fiona May

Italy&#39s Larissa Iapichino won a gold medal in the long jump with a measurement of 6.94 meters at the European Indoor Track and Field Championships in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. Silver went to Switzerland’s Annik Kalin (6.90) and bronze to Germany’s Malaika Mihambo (6.88).

After the first round Larissa Iapichino è third with 6.71 while surprising Annik Kalin: national record at 6.90 for the Swiss, already fourth in the heptathlon at the last Olympics. Second è Serbia’s Milica Gardasevic (6.75), for the moment fourth the German champion Malaika Mihambo (6.45).

It seems definitely long the second jump of the blue, but null by just over an inch. There’è only to fix something and the right moment comes on the third attempt: the Florentine leaps to the lead of the final with 6.94, just three centimeters from her record, seizing a millimeter platform (0.4 centimeters).

Only multiple medalist Mihambo came close, with 6.88 in the last round, and then è blue joy with dadà-coach Gianni Iapichino and mom Fiona May, gold medalist at the 1998 Valencia Euroindoors, cheering in the stands.

"I am infinitely dead, I am about to faint, è it was a difficult and fast race – Larissa told Rai microphones -. But è it was bellissismo, I believed in it to the end, I wanted to go there ì and smash everything. I am proud of myself. Today there was taking the medal and I believed all the way in the most beautiful one. Mother Fiona May was happy? I beat her, I won the title with 3 centimeters more…. I dedicate the gold to all those who are resilient in what they do, as I did, I got back up and never stopped trying".

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