Ramiro Finco after drama accesses solidarity fund

Ramiro Finco accesses solidarity fund
The FIR Federal Council confirmed access to the solidarity fund – in the sum of €24,000 per capita per year – for the seven athletes who, in the course of their federal competitive activities, suffered disabling injuries such as to require a permanent need for specialized care.
At the same time, the Federal Council, having regard to the reports of the legal advisor Avv. Valori and the Federal Medical Commission chaired by Prof. Vittorio Calvisi, resolved to guarantee, as of January 1, 2022, access to the solidarity fund for the athlete Ramiro Finco as a result of the consequences of the cerebral hemorrhage that occurred during the Peroni TOP10 match on March 14, 2021 in Rome between Lazio Rugby 1927 and Rugby Viadana 1970.