Olimpia Milano still knocked out, rant by Ettore Messina

The words of Ettore Messina
Ettore Messina did not hide his disappointment with the defeat of Olimèia Milano. “Trento deserved, beyond the score, clearly to win. We came to play and we cannot think of winning in Trento, playing a quarter or so. We were not very humble and very unprofessional. I regret this tremendously and we will work on it.”
“At the beginning of the game we shot 17 3-pointers and 12 2-pointers without patience. All that, on the other hand, Trento did well. We lost 9 balls, which opened their counterattacks and led to points. Hard to find an explanation and justification. We have been playing two games a week for a while now. If you are not able to play even on Sunday, after playing two games, you have to do some other thing. Very simple.”