Salernitana: Nicola reveals the backstory of ‘mini-exoneration’

The Campanias’ technician: “I asked the president with all my might to review the measure.”
Davide Nicola on social media told the backstory of Salernitana’s turnaround and his immediate return to the Campani’s bench after Monday’s exoneration.
“I tell you the truth. In the day yesterday I received a phone call from President Iervolino, who with his ways, always amiable and kind, explained to me the reasons for his decision, which he took with bitterness but which was meant to mark discontinuity after the very bad game in Bergamo against Atalanta. I immediately did mea culpa, taking full responsibility for an inadequate performance and the resulting heavy defeat. Because I believe in this team as well as in the men who make it up, just as I believe in the great Society behind it.”
“I have asked with all my strength to the President to review the exoneration measure, knowing that I touch the strings of a human soul that has deep sensitivity to understand and strongly wants to build a different soccer. Because I love Salerno and believe blindly in this project. “Stories of men doing great things”: this is what the president has always told us, who-as I have always acknowledged-was the main architect of last season’s salvation. He is the one who instilled in us passion, personality and ferocity in achieving impossible things. It is he who strongly believes that when men all pull in the same direction they are capable of extraordinary things.”
“And I have already seen him accomplish many extraordinary things. From his prodigious feat in the world of education to his amazing projects in the field of publishing to his upheavals in a few months even in the world of soccer. These are the men I don’t want to give up, I thank the President for calling me, this is the proof that the new soccer is a soccer of passion and heart and for this I WANT to repay his trust with all my strength and all the passion I have. With the Sports Management headed by Morgan De Sanctis, whom I thank for the mediation without which this operation would not have been possible, we are expecting weeks of very hard work and continuous confrontation to achieve our goals.”
“Now let’s start again together, ALL of us, and tell another extraordinary soccer story, returning to the Granata fans the same passion and sense of belonging that they unconditionally show us. This is Salerno, this is Salernitana: much more than a soccer team. Davide Nicola.”