Reyer, there’s the surprise Prometey: Tucci raises the lookout

“We will see how much we can express on the court of the team that has the best offense in the entire Eurocup with an average of 87.7 points.”
Reyer Venezia’s assistant coach Gianluca Tucci presented the challenge against the Ukrainians of Prometey, which will be played in Riga: “Prometey, first in the standings, is called to win in order to secure the first place, having a negative overall basket difference compared to Badalona (which, by the way, will play after our game). The second aspect, and it is the one that concerns us most, is related to how much we will be able to express on the court of the team that has the best offense in the entire Eurocup with an average of 87.7 points.”
“Definitely the most dangerous opposing players are guards Clavell and Agada, along with the long Stephens. In my opinion the Ukrainian team is a concrete and solid lineup that has been the real surprise of the whole competition so far. Forced to train and play in Latvia for the entire season, the circumstance would also open up other considerations. We can only appreciate the fact that those players and the entire club are honoring the meaning of sports, which is to unite people around the world, to the best of their ability.”