Gianmarco Pozzecco apologizes to his players

Angola beaten in the first at the World
Angola beaten in the first at the World Cup, but national team coach Gianmarco Pozzecco is not è happy.
"I want to sincerely congratulate the Angolans because they played a very good game,” he says, “and these are not just phrases. I then want to apologize to my players for conveying all my nervousness to them on the eve of such an important World Cup debut. They absorbed it and on the field it è showed but then they were extraordinary and, as always, they did what they had to".
"It è not easy to play in an’arena with such large spaces and without too many points of reference – adds the blue helmsman -. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that both teams shot soì badly. In any case, we have very good shooters and this remains despite the fact that we can run into a bad night and with percentages like tonight. Now forò we look ahead: from the next game we will have a different approach, starting with me".