Historic ruling, European Court agrees with Super League

Super League takes a resounding revenge and now plans for the future
Of the original group that unveiled the Superleague project in April 2021, only Real Madrid and Barcelona are left. Juventus, as is known, has initiated proceedings to exit. Yet, the Superleague è as of today, more alive than ever. The Court of Justice of the European Union, in fact, has dealt a severe blow to the monopoly of Uefa and Fifa.
"Fifa and Uefa rules on the prior authorization of interclub football competitions, such as the Superleague, violate EU law. They are, in fact, contrary to the law of and the freedom to provide services" the words in the communiqué of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which, therefore, gives reason to the Superleague and its raison d'etre.
It goes on to read how "… The organization of football competitions and the exploitation of media rights constitute, however, economic activities. They must respect the rules of competition and free movement, although the economic activity of sports is characterized by certain specificities, such as the existence of associations with regulatory, control and sanctioning powers". In short, now it could really change everything in the world of soccer.