Olympics, participation criteria unveiled

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Olympics, the criteria

The Federal Council, meeting this morning in Rome, approved the participation criteria for the European Games in Rome (June 7-12) and the Olympic Games in Paris (August 1-11), the crucial events of 2024. In both cases, the inspiring principleè to encourage a qualified and appropriate selection for the event, as well as to promote the’international experience of young athletes who show particular prospects for the next four years. FIDAL President Stefano Mei emphasized the promising start to the season of the Azzurri in view of the two events around which the entire year revolves, launched by the four Italian records of last weekend (Dosso, Simonelli, Arese, Gerevini). “The goal of the European Championships in Rome è to leave a technical heritage to work on – added DT Antonio La Torre -. At the Paris Olympics we would like to bring all the energy of Italian athletics of these years”.

The Council approved the 2024 budget by a majority vote, with an estimated profit of 305,000 euros. Noteworthy are the increased resources for Olympic preparation and high level that rise to 9.2 million euros, in an incredibly dense year of competitive events. Green light also goes to’increased contributions to support societies’


President Mei updated the Council on Rome’s bid for the 2027 World Cup: “We are waiting for guarantees from the government for 80 million euros, è an important opportunity for athletics and for all Italian sport”. The decision will be made at the end of February in Glasgow by the World Athletics Council.

On the subject of facilities, the president informed about the start of work on the Montagna stadium in La Spezia, which will host the Assoluti at the end of June, and drew attention to the indoor palasport in Ponticelli (Naples), imagining a path leading to the best enhancement of the facility. During the meeting è was also remembered with a minute’s silence Amedeo Merighi, a historic Lombard manager who passed away recently: board member Gianfranco Lucchi proposed the creation of an award in his memory intended for young managers.

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