Novara wins game-3 with Chieri and goes to semifinals

Novara wins game-3 with Chieri and goes to semifinals
On the friendly parquet of Pala Igor Gorgonzola, Novara beats Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri 3-1 in the decisive game-3 of the quarterfinals of the women’s Serie A1 playoff scudetto and goes to the semifinals, where it will find the’Imoco Conegliano dominator of the regular season and defending champion.
22-25 25-21 25-22 25-23 the partials in favor of the girls of Lollo Bernardi, who after losing the first set manage to bend the rivals, mattatrice Marina Markova with 25 points, for the team of Giulio Cesare Bregoli 19 points of Kaja Grobelna.