Marzio Innocenti now dreams of winning the Six Nations

The words of Marzio Innocenti
FIR president Marzio Innocenti took stock of Italrugby: “There are some things we have to keep in mind: this team a few months ago touched one of its lowest moments against New Zealand and France. That team, però had come back from 13 matches in which it had always been up to the opponent, with an average age of 23-24, and the Federation always believed in it. If that Garbisi kick had gone in we would have been third, we have to give credit to the’coach for being a person very capable of burning through the stages: what he achieved we could hope to achieve in a season or maybe two”.
"This moment soì beautiful on the field should not make us forget that Italy often goes backwards like shrimp. One of the most important commitments Gonzalo knows he has è is to maintain the level. As a strategic goal è has been set to beat all the teams that are behind in the ranking, and having beaten even some of those in front indicates an even higher quality”.
“In the aftermath of the victory against Scotland, I had the opportunity to hear many people in our world saying that with Wales it would be little more than a formality: we have to get away from that mentality, as a system, because beating Wales è always a legendary feat. È clearly having won a game in such total control as in Cardiff has never happened before, and è a real point of progress, but we must always remember that Italy can’do this but also exactly the opposite, going backwards. This team has a chance to try to win the Six Nations. An almost impossible goal, but as far as I am concerned this word should not exist. Of course, on the’other side we know that Italy can’do this but also exactly the opposite, if we lose control and do not keep our feet on the ground”, he concluded.