Virtus Bologna, Baraldi annoyed by Banchi rumors

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Thursday, June 6 è scheduled, in Bologna, Game 1 of the Finals

This is it. Once again, it will be Virtus Bologna and Olimpia Milano playing for the Scudetto. The series, best of five games, begins on Thursday, June 6 on the court of the Black Vs, strong with the advantage of the court factor. A challenge that comes up again and again in recent years, demonstrating the absolute value of the two clubs.

"We are aware of the strength of our opponent and the fact that Milano è our historical rival, but we are equally convinced of the strength of a group that has played an important season so far", the words of Baraldi, Ceo of Virtus Bologna, to the Resto del Carlino.

As mentioned, Virtus Bologna, having finished ahead of Olimpia Milano at the end of the regular season, has the home court factor on its side: "I hope that the home court factor continues to make a difference as è it did last year. If this is the case, we will have an advantage that will help us compete against Milan, a very strong opponent that in the return leg has beaten three of the four teams that played in the Final Four".

Baraldi reveals that he has been very bothered by the latest rumors that Banchi’s future may be away from Virtus Bologna: "The coach has a contract with us and unless he comes asking us to leave he will stay here. We have no reason to make a change since we are satisfied with his work. I was surprised to read about his departure, also becauseé this è sì a rumor that canò bother and that has only the’intent to destabilize us".

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