Vero Volleyball Milan, the new coach is Lavarini

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The words of Stefano Lavarini

Now è official: Stefano Lavarini è the new coach of Vero Volley Milano. Among the most experienced and winningest coaches on the world volleyball scene, Lavarini è ready to live his first adventure on the bench of the women’s first team of the Vero Volley Consortium.

Trained thanks to the important experiences gained first in the staffs of Omegna, his hometown, and Novara, then, as deputy in Chieri, at Club Italia and Bergamo, and, then, as first coach always in Bergamo, for five seasons, Minas (in Brazil), Busto Arsizio, Novara and Fenerbahce (in Turkey), the Piedmontese coach will putà at the disposal of Vero Volley Milano all his knowledge, guiding the rosablù team in Women’s A1 Series and in CEV Champions League, as well as in other national and international events.

“I am returning to Italy after a satisfying stint in the Turkish league, which allowed me to gain new experience – commented the new coach of Vero Volley Milano, Stefano Lavarini – He will have the opportunity to compete in our league thanks to Consorzio Vero Volley and itè very stimulating to be part of one of the most important clubs in our volleyball. Undoubtedly, in recent years Vero Volleyball has shown steady growth and è come to play for the highest goals. I am convinced that I can work with a competitive group and with athletes of absolute level, but as always the difference will have to be made by the team more than by individuals, therefore, we will work together with the players, the staff, the society; to prove ourselves among the best in all the competitions in which we will take part, which will be many and important”.

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