Fiorentina, Moise Kean is already comfortable. And he thanks Neymar and Mbappé

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The words of Moise Kean

Moise Kean, Fiorentina’s new center forward, spoke to the microphones of Radio Bruno, directly from the Viola’s training camp: "In Florence I feel very good, my teammates have welcomed me perfectly, I can not wait to start this new adventure here with these colors".

"I am here to play soccer and give my best for Fiorentina, the pressures are other – added the Italian striker -. The coach works a lot on the field and expects a lot from us. I get along with all my teammates: some I already knew them for the national team, we are a young group and we managed immediately to establish a bond".

So he thanked Neymar and Mbappé "I was lucky enough to play in important teams and leagues like the Premier League and the French league, building some experience. In Paris the big champions like Neymar or Mbappe helped me a lot, at the end of training I would stop with them and they gave me a lot of advice".

"The future nobody knows, I only think about playing soccer and working hard. I hope to be able to achieve many more records, I hope to leave with a series of goals" concluded Kean.

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