Olympics, Seine polluted: a triathlete ends up in hospital

Olympics, Seine polluted: a triathlete ends up in hospital
Olympic controversy over polluted Seine River continues: l'Equipe reports that Belgian triathlete Claire Michel è was hospitalized after competing a few days ago in the putrid waters of the Parisian river. Claire Michel has contracted e-coli bacteria: Belgium has thus decided to withdraw the entire team from the relay scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 5.
"The Belgian Olympic Committee and Belgian Triathlon hope that lessons will be learned for future competitions. We are referring in particular to the guarantee of training days, race days and the format of the competitions that need to be clarified in advance. It must be ensured that there is no uncertainty for the athletes, the entourage and the fans", wrote the Belgian Olympic Committee after announcing the withdrawal.
After these latest developments, the upcoming competitions in the Seine have once again become at risk.
Gregorio Paltrinieri a few days ago had been harsh: "You can't organize such an important race in a location you have never tested. Probably there'è cold, probably there'è current because é è a river. Most likely è dirt becauseé there are no conditions for swimming but I am almost sure they will make it lì becauseé they have invested too much in it. It's a joke".