Paris 2024 Olympics, Settebello beaten on penalties by Hungary

Paris 2024 Olympics, Settebello beaten on penalties by Hungary'Hungary
The dream of returning to the Olympic podium fades for men’s water polo Italy, which was beaten 12-10 in the quarterfinals by eternal rivals Hungary after penalties.
In the first half the Magyars went 2-0 up with two goals by Manhercz, the second of which was on a penalty kick. Also on a penalty Fondelli hits the post, Velotto shortens in numerical superiority. Manhercz again, this time with the extra man, brings the mach to 3-1, and before the end of the half Velotto scores on a free kick: 2-3.
In the second quarter Condemi’s goal of the Azzurri’s equalizer is cancelled for rough play, then there’s Manhercz’s fourth goal, the second on a penalty kick, and the first half ends 4-2 for the Magyars. But in the third quarter Sandro Campagna’s team turned everything around with a 4-0 partial, 5-2 in’the entire quarter: 7-6 for the’ttalia at’the beginning of the last eight minutes.
Echenique brings us back to +2 but the Hungarians equalize and then Fondelli misses the penalty of the new lead. At minus 2’50 the usual Manhercz brings the Hungarians back ahead. When there is 1’23” Presciutti ties it at 9-9 and with 16 to go Del Lungo makes a miraculous save on Jansik’s counterattack and close shot. It went to penalties, the Hungarians scored three out of five, Italy had three out of four parried by specialist Vogel, and the medal dream for the Settebello faded.