Gianmarco Tamberi: the moving message from his wife Chiara

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Gianmarco Tamberi: the moving message of his wife Chiara

Chiara Bontempi sent a touching message to her husband Gianmarco Tamberi after a nightmarish Saturday at the Paris 2024 Olympics. The Tokyo gold medalist in the high jump è fell victim to another kidney stone a few hours before the final: the Azzurro still participated in the competition but could not work miracles and finished far from the medals.

"Few people know everything you did to get this far, to get to that race. Probably only us or maybe only you. Until a few days ago everything seemed to be going well and then… One problem after another, as if fate just didn’t want to get you down on that platform. Yesterday–a wearisome day, you called me in the morning and I didn’t want to believe it. Kidney stone the night before the Olympic final", she wrote on Instagram.

"Things only got worse and believe me I was really scared, everything had taken a back seat, my only priority" your health. Finally after 8 hours, the pain seemed to subside and past all the medical checks you were starting to feel a little bit better, you were just waiting for the go-ahead from the doctors. We get the’ok, you didn’t hesitate a minute…I saw you standing up with the IV still attached to your arm, willing to get out of that’hospital" as soon as possible. 

"Completely incredulous, after 11 hours of agony, you looked at me and I understood…. Time to get back to the hotel, pack your backpack and I saw you leaving for the warm-up camp. Scared yes, worried a lot but I knew no one could stop you! You stepped onto the mat again ready to give your whole soul to the sport. No one would even come out of that hospital room but you, you…. You have a strength inside that I really have never seen before!".

"Now, all of our plans, our expectations and our plans have changed and I know it will not be easy to get through this. But I tell you even here, while you are by my side still asleep…. I am extremely proud of you! I know you like to amaze me and I swear my love I never thought you could do all that;! YOU ARE MY GOLD! ".

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