Paris 2024 Olympics, United States-Italy scoreboard: Paola Egonu top scorer

The scoreboard of United States-Italy
Velasco lined up the usual lineup with the Orro-Egonu diagonal, Bosetti and Sylla the setters, Fahr and Danesi in the middle with De Gennaro free.
Kiraly chose Poulter at the setter, Drews on her diagonal, Plummer and Skinner the setters, Washington and Ogbogu the middle hitters with Wong-Orantes free.
UNITED STATES – ITALY 0-3 (18-25, 20-25, 17-25)
UNITED STATES: A. Skinner 7, Ogbogu 4, Drews 6, Plummer 2, Washington 4, Poulter 2. Wong-Orantes (L), Robinson Cook, Thompson 8, Carlini. Larson 5. n.e.: Rettke. All. Kiraly
ITALY: Sylla 10, Danesi 6, Egonu 22, Bosetti 9, Fahr 7, Orro 3. De Gennaro (L); Antropova 6, Cambi, Giovannini. N.e.: Lubian, Omoruyi. All. Velasco.
Referees: Collados (FRA), Maroszek (POL)
Duration sets 25', 24', 24'. Tot. 1h13'
Italy: 45 winning attacks, 11 walls, 7 ace, 12 USA errors.USA: 35 winning attacks, 0 walls, 3 ace, 17 Italy errors.