Naples basketball, the new home will be ready in 2026

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Currently the White and Blue team plays at PalaBarbuto


After winning the 2024 Italian Cup, an incredible sporting success, S.S, Napoli Basket of the ambitious president Grassi is aiming higher and higher. To reach certain goals, you need to però an arena to the height. A dream that is about to become a reality. The PalaBarbuto, the’current home of the Neapolitan club, is certainly not è up to “big international events”.

After much talk, it seems to have reached the operational stage. In 2026, the White and Blue club will haveà its new home. It will be a multifunctional arena with as many as 10 thousand seats (14 thousand for entertainment events, such as concerts). Ultra-modern (completely autonomous structure with use of renewable sources), it will beà financed, entirely, by private.

The final cost of building the new arena is expected to be 54 million euros. The area chosen to build it, in the end, è was that of the former Municipal Fruit and Vegetable Market, at the Directional Center of Naples. The project è was submitted to the Naples municipality by S.S. Napoli Basket S.r.l. and Italstage S.r.l.

Lots of anticipation for the start of the work. The goal è to ensure the city a state-of-the-art arena that can also apply for major international sports events (and more). The latest rumors tell of a meeting between the parties involved at the end of August to plan the next, decisive steps.

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