Torino, Urbano Cairo reassures fans and promises reinforcements in the market

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Urbano Cairo sheds light on Torino’s market

During a speech to the microphones of the "Gazzetta dello Sport", Torino president Urbano Cairo took stock of the market operations carried out so far and wanted to make a promise to fans and coach Paolo Vanoli ahead of these last days of negotiations.

"We will make at least three purchases in these last days of the market. We will definitely get two center backs and Bellanova’s replacement. The players who have arrived so far are good and are proving it" debuted the Patròn of the granata.

"A player cannotò be evaluated only by price, a companyà must also be able to identify quality playersà and then enhance them, as many clubs do in all leagues. We got Coco, Adams and Borna Sosa, and more will come. The goal è to make a strong and competitive team" added the president of the Piedmontese club.

"We also received offers for Zapata, but he wanted to stay at Torino and we gladly turned down every offer for him. A year ago I turned down two major offers for Ricci and Sanabria. In the last market we invested 30 million and cashed only 10 million from the departure of Singo" commented Urbano Cairo.

After the lightning sale of Raoul Bellanova to Atalanta, the granata president had to deal with the criticism he received from fans, to which he responded sharply through a post on his Instagram profile: "He wanted to leave: we have many valuable players and we have no intention of keeping players who want to leave. I put 72 million into Toro out of my own pocket! I am not a bottomless pit".

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