America’s Cup, Luna Rossa makes no mistake: Francesco Bruni pinpoints key moment

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Francesco Bruni happy for Luna Rossa’s progress

After a first day with decidedly bittersweet tones (one success but also a withdrawal due to technical problems), Luna Rossa closes 'day 2' of the America's Cup Preliminary Regattas in Barcelona with a brilliant victory over American Magic, taking with two wins and one loss in three match-races to second place in the rankings, behind Emirates Team New Zeraland.

For the success against the Americans it è proved decisive the pre-start phase, in which the pair of helmsmen composed of James Spithill and Francesco Bruni brought all their experience to bear to get off to the best possible start and immediately gain a lead that was never again recovered by their opponents. "We are delighted,” said Bruni himself, explaining the key moment of the regatta. “Jimmy made a crazy start".

"We knew that the one with the Americans would be a difficult match – added the experienced helmsman of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team – and this result è really splendid for the whole team. We are happy not only with the start, but in general with how we conducted the whole regatta. We are super happy".

Luna Rossa’s crew today included, in addition to the two helmsmen, Umberto Molineris and Andrea Tesei as trimmers, while the cyclors were Enrico Voltolini, Emanuele Liuzzi, Cesare Gabbia and Luca Kirwan. On Saturday, August 24, Luna Rossa will contest match number eleven overall against Ineos Britannia.

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