After second Olympic gold medal Caterina Banti says enough is enough

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After second Olympic gold medal Caterina Banti says enough

The news was in the air by now, but today Caterina Banti, a 37-year-old Roman sailor and two-time Olympic gold medalist in the Nacra 17 class paired with Ruggero Tita, announced her retirement from competitive activities. She did so while speaking to Radio Sportiva.
"The gold won at the last Olympics paired with Ruggero Tita – his words – è was the best possible way to end my career as an athlete. I had decided this a few months ago, and I have no regrets, now I have to think about what I will do in life. Sì, Ruggero already knew".

Then the story of his encore of the Olympic gold: "In Marseille on us there was so much pressure from the federvela and Coni – said Banti -, because everyone said 'so much Tita and Banti will win the gold again'. Instead, nothing è been taken for granted. But we were good".

"I knew it was going to be my last performance,” he added, “and it had to be the best possible. Soì è it was, and I brought home the gold medal". Although the wind, especially the lack of it, it comes to say, in Marseille created various problems for the sailing teams.

"We were not so much worried – says her one-time Olympic champion -: sailing è a sport of long waits, we depend on the wind, if è too strong or too little you can not go out. So we are used to these waits".

What is Caterina Banti going to do" now? "I have a number of ideas and projects in my head-the answer-but they are still in being, and itè premature to talk about them. Forò I would like to stay in the world of sports and give back what I have learned all these years".

Finally, a joke about the difference between the Tokyo and Marseille Olympic gold medals: “Definitely they were two different competitions, and we were also different. But we had to repeat ourselves, so this one in France è was definitely moreù difficult".

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