Italy: call-ups for the World Table Football Championships diagrammed

Italy’s call-ups for the World Table Football Championship
From September 20 to 22, 2024, the English town of Tunbridge Wells will be transformed into the stage for FISTF World Cup, the Table Football World Cup. The event, organized by the English Subbuteo Association under the aegis of the Federation International Sports Table Football (FISTF), will see the world s best players compete. Among them, the Italian delegation, determined to confirm the successes achieved in recent years.
The Italian Sports Table Football Federation (FISCT) has announced the official convocations for the various categories of the competition: Open, Veteran, Women, Under20, Under16, Under12 and Traditional Subbuteo.
As for the National Open team, Technical Commissioner Marco Lamberti has summoned captain Saverio Bari (F.lli Bari Reggio Emilia), Matteo Ciccarelli and Luca Battista (both of Napoli Fighters), individual Italian Cup winner Marco Brunelli (Virtus Rieti), Filippo Cubeta (Barcelona Table Football) and Leonardo Giudice (Subbuteo Club Labronico). The Veteran team, on the other hand, will be led by the captain and selector Massimo Bolognino (Eagles Napoli), flanked by the reigning world champion Gianfranco Calonico (Master Sanremo), the Italian Veteran champion Francesco Mattiangeli (Bologna Tigers), the Italian category cup holder Cesare Santanicchia (F.lli Bari Reggio Emilia), by Patrizio Lazzaretti (SS Lazio TFC) and Pasquale Torano (Leonessa Brescia).
CT Alfredo Palmieri has selected for the representative Under20 the reigning European champion Mattia Ferrante (Fiamme Azzurre Roma), the Italian category champion Christian Fricano (Subbuteo Casale), World Under16 champion Francesco Borgo (Subbuteo Casale), Riccardo Natoli (Messina), Matteo Esposito (Napoli Fighters) and Federico Da Re (Pinco Devils Table Soccer of Godega di Sant’Urbano). For the National Under16 team, selector Cesare Natoli has chosen European champion Francesco Manfredelli (Eagles Napoli), Italian champion Riccardo Berioli (US Valponte), Angelo Bisio (Stella Artois Milano), Lorenzo Fricano (Subbuteo Casale), Nicolò Colossi (SC Bari) and Lorenzo Sani (SC Sombrero di San Miniato).
The Technical Commissioner of the selection Under12, Luca Bisio, has summoned the Italian champion Daniele Salatino (SC Bari), the holder of the Italian Category Cup Alberto Capoferri (Rebels Genova), Alberto Barattucci (SC Abruzzo Ves Gentes), Alessandro Gandin and Filippo Careddu (both from Rebels Genova) and Antonio Martinelli (SC Bari). For the Women selection, CT Stefano Buono has summoned reigning world champion Eleonora Buttitta (SC Bagheria), Maria Felice Merkouris (SC Palermo) and Giulia Pibiri (SC Cagliari).
Finally, for the competition dedicated to Traditional Subbuteo, the blue lineup will be captained by Filippo Filippella (Aosta Warriors), with Maurizio Colella (Bologna Tigers), Gabriele Silveri (Salernitana) and Cesare Santanicchia (F.lli Bari Reggio Emilia) completing the team.