Supercoppa, Virtus Bologna catches up with Olimpia Milano: Luca Banchi calls for more attention

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Virtus Bologna è in the Italian Supercup final


It will be Olimpia Milano-Virtus Bologna the final of the 2024 edition of the Italian Supercoppa. At the Unipol Arena, forò, GeVi Napoli makes life very difficult for Luca Banchi’s men, and surrenders 87-96 after frightening the Vu nere, who suddenly found themselves chasing in the final of the third period after going ahead even by 20 points.

On the sidelines of the match, Banchi himself acknowledged the merits of his opponents and asked for more attention from his players ahead of Sunday’s final: "A match that reserved us a third quarter in which we had difficulty curbing our opponents’ impetus,” he said. “We are still looking for team identity and personality that will allow us to tolerate certain lapses.

"It's equally true forò that è how we managed to hold Napoli back in the last quarter of the game – added the Virtus coach -: at halftime, knowing Napoli, I told the team that a comeback from them would be predictable. In the first half we always built high percentage shots, in the third quarter we lost balls and conceded counterattacks and offensive rebounds. In the end we regained confidence and now we look ahead to recharge physical and mental energy for tomorrow’s commitment against a great team like Milano".

"We are a team that will have to find its own identity" of play – Banchi further explained -, from tonight I take home what we did in the first 20", with good defensive concentration and excellent offensive construction. Napoli played with a clear mind, an emotional aspect they rightly played on, showing it even when they won the Coppa Italia".

"Tonight the’halftime è brought as a dowry a downturn that at certain times of the season canò happen: I tried to mix the quintets, also taking into account the distribution of minutes and fouls. I think I have a team of talent and quality that we will have to showcase in a competitive league like the Italian one and in a very high-level competition like the Euroleague. This roster will have to put in energy, discipline, enthusiasm and quality, as we’ve already seen in part tonight’concluded the coach of the Black Vu’s.

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