Pisa out of the Coppa Italia, but Pippo Inzaghi can console himself

Pisa out of the Italian Cup, but Pippo Inzaghi canò console himself
Today Pippo Inzaghi’s Pisa è was eliminated from the Coppa Italia by losing its home match in the round of 16 1-0 against Cesena. But the Tuscan club has ample reason to console itself. In fact, the First Section of the Corte Sportiva d’Appello has upheld the Nerazzurri’s appeal regarding the Serie B match with Cittadella on Aug. 27, which had ended 1-1.
The Venetian hosts had mistakenly listed Alessandro De Luca on the bench at the start of the match, but during the match they realized the error and entered the correct name, that of Jacopo Desogus, alerting the referee and the League at the end of the first half, moreover Desogus had also entered the field in the second half.
Pisa then appealed: the Giudice Sportivo in the first instance rejected it, in Appello instead è it was upheld. The’last word will now be up to the Collegio di Garanzia del Coni. With the acceptance of the appeal, the Tuscans win the match with Cittadella 3-0 forfeit and are always more first in the standings of Serie B with 4 lengths ahead of Spezia and 5 on Sassuolo.