Spitting, lasers and coin throwing: maxi fines for Genoa and Lecce

Spitting, lasers and coin throwing: maxi fines for Genoa and Lecce
The Serie A sports judge has decided to impose two hefty fines on Genoa and Lecce after the last day of the championship. The Grifone will have to pay 18 thousand euros for throwing coins and a spit at an assistant referee, the Salentini for lasers against Empoli goalkeeper Vasquez.
Fine of € 18,000.00: to Soc. GENOA for having its supporters, during the match, throwing two smoke bombs on the field of play; for having also, at 12° of the second half, thrown in the direction of an Assistant some coins, one of which hit him at the height of the shoulder, without injury, forcing him to move away from his position, determining, therefore, the interruption of the match for about two minutes; for having finally, at 47° of the second half, attacked with a spit the leg of the same Assistant; mitigated penalty ex art. 29, paragraph 1 lett. b) and c) CGS having the Società activated the procedure of not liking those responsible for the’incident pursuant to art. 27 CGS.
Fine of € 13,000.00: to Soc. LECCE for having its supporters, during the match, throwing two firecrackers and some smoke bombs into the playing enclosure; for having also, at 18° of the second half, directed a beam of light-laser in the direction of the goalkeeper of the opposing team; penalty mitigated ex art. 29, paragraph 1 lett. b) CGS.