Lazio closes the deal from Bayern Munich

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Arijon Ibrahimovic to Lazio

All that was missing was the official announcement, now è it has arrived: Arijon Ibrahimovic è a new Lazio player. Strike from Bayern Munich for the biancoceleste club, which made it known through a statement published on its website.

"S.S. Lazio announces that it has acquired the right to the sports performance of the footballer Arijon Ibrahimović from FC Bayern München on a temporary basis with an option to buy him back, and a counter-redemption, – it reads -. The German, born in 2005, will wear the number 27&quot jersey.

Arijon Ibrahimovic returns to Serie A after his experience at Frosinone last season. In this first part of the season, with the Bavarians jersey he collected only three appearances for a total of just 16' of play. 

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