Coppa Italia in Trento, Olimpia knocked out: the enthusiasm of Paolo Galbiati

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An historic and unprecedented triumph

Coppa Italia in Trento for the first time in history, thanks to the triumph in the final over Olimpia Milano, beaten with a final score of 79-63. A result that inevitably triggers the great joy of the coach of the triumphants of the historic game in Turin: Paolo Galbiati.

"I am overjoyed – Galbiati’s warm words to the microphones of 'DAZN' -. Toto deserved to win its first trophy, the president and the company deserved it. È a recognition that all those who work for Trent and me deserve, including my assistants and medical staff. Now we can go home really happy".

For Galbiati, this is the second Italian Cup in his career. The coach from Vimercate, born in 1984, already conquered the trophy with Auxilium Torino in 2018: even then it was a first for his club.

The Italian Cup obtained against Olimpia Milano represents for Trento the first trophy of the "greats" of Italian basketball. In the club’s trophy cabinet there are already a Legadue Italian Cup (won in 2013) and the LNP Italian Cup in Serie C1 won in 2005.

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