Giorgio Armani collects just tribute and sets his sights on Euroleague

Giorgio Armani sets no limits
Giorgio Armani, for next season, is aiming very high for his Olimpia Milano: scudetto (it would be the 30th) and Euroleague. “The sky is the limit. So why not both accolades? I wouldn’t want to put limits on the team. We are living a happy moment and I expect the best for the immediate future as well, although now it’s nice to enjoy this great satisfaction,” he tells ‘Repubblica’.
“People’s affection surprises me more and more, and I think it has become deeper during the pandemic,” adds the fashion king, who has been at the forefront of generosity in coping with the dramatic situation. “Everything I’ve done in the two rather tough years we’ve lived through has bonded me even more strongly with the public, not least the sports public. I have had proof of that in these dragging moments, full of positive feelings. Hearing your name being acclaimed is not something that happens every day. It’s a memory that I really can’t let go of, it’s something that gives me a lot of energy.”