Brawl after fight on bocce court, parish priest inflicts two Daspoes

Grotesque affair in Villasanta
Grotesque affair in Villasanta, a town in Brianza that has churned out such soccer talents as Silvano Villa, Filippo Galli and, most recently, Gabriele Zappa, a lateral currently with Cagliari.
The protagonists were two elderly men, who first argued on the bocce court (“To provoke me, he proposed to referee,” one of the two told the ‘Giornale di Vimercate’), and then got physical in front of the bar counter of the ‘Unione’ parish club. One of the disputants ended up in the hospital by ambulance for injuries sustained in the breaking of a glass.
The axe of Villasanta’s parish priest, Fr. Alessandro Chiesa, immediately fell on the bar, which will be closed for a week, and also on the two, on whom the priest has inflicted a real Daspo: they will no longer be able to set foot in the structure adjacent to the parish church. It is not yet known whether they will appeal.