Juventus, Calvo sheds light on Di Maria and Cuadrado renewals

Juventus, Calvo sheds light on Di Maria and Cuadrado renewals
Juventus Chief Football Officer Francesco Calvo at the microphones of Sky Sport in the pre-match in Sevilla spoke about the future of some expiring players such as Bonucci, Di Maria and Cuadrado.
“With the players and their agents we talk almost daily. Now we are all focused on the season that is proving to be very long, fortunately since we are still in the running on the European front, so the uncertainty related to our future, because we still do not know what we will play for next year, is one of the many impacts that this tribulated season is having.”
“We plan the future with them, we talk about it, the luck is that the players are very comfortable at Juventus and it is easier to dialogue with them,” Calvo concluded.