Milan-Atalanta, Stefano Pioli and Gian Piero Gasperini united against the referee

Milan-Atalanta, Stefano Pioli and Gian Piero Gasperini united against the referee
Here are the statements of the two coaches of Milan and Atalanta Stefano Pioli and Gian Pieo Gasperini, both very critical against the refereeing of Di Bello at the end of the Coppa Italia challenge won 2-1 by Dea in a comeback.
Stefano Pioli: "We played a very good first half, deservedly going ahead, but we committed a big ingenuità on the equalizer. In the second half we struggled more, but the game è changed on a penalty that wasn't there. And we went into confusion. On Holm's hands, on the other hand, it seems strange to me that the referee was not called back by the Var to go and see it. I repeat, the first one however was not there, the Atalanta player jumps before the contact. In short, a bad night, although it must be said that we could have reacted better, with more lucidness. There was plenty of time to make up for it becauseé è it was a difficult but balanced".
Gian Piero Gasperini: “Di Bello è a great rude man because é before the game he didn’t even greet me. He doesn’t è have to, but è a rude man. We have a history with him and with Valeri who was at Var, Atalanta with the two of them has a huge case history. But I at the end of every game I reset and erase everything. I will never say that Atalanta doesn't want a referee, for us all are welcome".
"The Var è an extraordinary means if used well. The problem è that it’s becoming a war where you can’t really tell if the referee is refereeing who is on the field or the varist. This è a big problem becauseé there’è a disparityà of interventions, there’è no certainty".
"The Scudetto or the European Cups are not goals within the reach of Atalanta. In the Coppa Italia we went to the final twice and if you jam the matches together you can go to the final and play for it. We will try again to win a trophy. Are the fans waiting for us in Zingonia? I am happy about that because ité s been a few years since it happened. Winning in Milan è reason for great prestige. In three days we have played in two fantastic stadiums with so many fans and for us è it is a pride to put these great companiesà"; in trouble.
"Atalanta has è transformed from my early years? È a different team, of that team è only De Roon left as a starter, the others are on the bench. We have other characteristics, we have many young people. Of course è we have a core of midfield and defense that è very solid and we know how to stay on the field and deal with all forms. That is also why we have a lot of room for improvement”.