Venice pulls itself back into a tie: Neven Spahija not completely satisfied

The post-match statements of Neven Spahija
After the loss in game 1, Reyer Venezia è managed to redeem itself by making game 2 against Reggio Emilia its own with a score of 83-75. In the postgame, however, Neven Spahija, among other topics, wanted to reprimand his team for the bad fourth quarter that è was won by Reggio Emilia 30-19.
"Congratulations to the boys, è always important to win. For three quarters we played very well, but it can't happen to lose the last one by 11 points. If we play like this in the next games, it doesn't look good to me. We have to stay focused and with the same energy throughout the game. We lost focus a defense, on Galloway who è an NBA player. We lost him 2/3 times alone, and he è a player who hurts in these situations. Speaking of more positive things, we finished with more rebounds and assists. This time we received only three points from second attempts, in the first it had been 17. That makes so much difference" began the coach of the orogranata.
"I was very sad after Game 1, not only for losing. But for the desire to play, for not responding to their beatings. Today we were aggressive, that was the key. We have quality è and we can score points. This è was a completely different game from the first, we even got to +21" continued the head coach of the Veneto team.
"We have two difficult games ahead of us. They finished fifth by winning so many games at home. We will have to come in mentally ready, competing like we did today 80 percent of the time. We need to go with a lot of confidence to try to win" added the Croatian manager.
"These things happen all the time. I am the coach and I decide who should come in and who should go out. No player has to tell me when he wants to come in and when he has to go out. I respect my players so much and they are all good guys. To win in the playoffs you have to play for the team. Rayjon acknowledged his mistake in front of everyone and apologized" concluded Neven Spahija about the little altercation he had with Tucker.