Ferrari, Frederic Vasseur to help Charles Leclerc

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The words of Frederic Vasseur ahead of the Monaco Grand Prix


This weekend, Formula 1 returns to the track in Monte Carlo for the Monaco Grand Prix, the eighth round of the season, as well as the home race of Charles Leclerc, who on the world’s shortest track – 3,337 meters – has twice experienced the thrill of winning the pole position but on Sunday always collected little.

Ferrari team principal Frederic Vasseur spoke this way ahead of the Monaco GP: "A week after our home race in Imola, next weekend is Charles’ turn, and as a team we want to help him close the open account he has with the Monte Carlo" track.

"Carlos, for his part, really loves the track in the Principality,” he added to the official channels of the Rossa, “on which he achieved his first podium at the wheel of a Ferrari, so the motivation for both of us is very high".

"As è known that of Monaco è a circuit on which overtaking with the’current generation of single-seaters are very difficult. Qualifying will be of paramount importance: we will have to try to make that step that in this season we still è lacked to start in front of everyone. At the simulator as well as in meetings with engineers we have prepared in detail and we count on being protagonists" concluded Vasseur.

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