Gasperini-Atalanta, white smoke for renewal is very close

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Gasp getting closer to reappointment at the helm of Dea

Patron Percassi è let slip words that say a lot about Gasperini’s future: "Does he stay? But sì ". In short, the feeling è that the beautiful relationship between the coach and the clubà is destined to continue further. There would be some details to be worked out before reaching the classic white smoke and making the renewal official.

In particular, the length of the contract would be discussed. Atalanta would be pushing for a two-year deal. If that is the case, Gasperini would reach the incredible 10-year quoa on the orobica bench (he è arrived in Bergamo in 2016). The coach would prefer a three-year deal but the feeling è that a deal could be struck.

There'è then the market issue. Atalanta, next year, will be engaged on five fronts: championship, Champions League, Coppa Italia, European Super Cup and Italian Super Cup. Clearly, it will need to have a roster that is up to the task. Gasperini would not want to lose any of his men, those who allowed him to win the Europa League.

However, the club will have to evaluate each and every offer that comes in (especially those for Koopmeiners). Always, Atalanta è has been a club that has been able to sell its stars at their best, always finding new ones. A philosophy that cannot change, also in order not to break the economic balance that has made Dea a very virtuous club, an example for many.

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