Sofia Goggia updates on her condition and recovery plan

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Sofia Goggia "in no hurry but no rest"

A little more than four months have passed since the bad injury that prevented Sofia Goggia from completing the 2023/24 ski season, and only a couple of days ago the Italian champion è returned to mounting a pair of skis, as she herself showed on her Instagram profile. The champion from Bergamo è was interviewed on Tuesday during 'TG1 Mattina Estate': in her speech she took stock of her condition and recovery plan.

"Clearly there is some pain to deal with but è more than normal – said the four-time downhill World Cup winner. I will workò slowly so thaté I can return to my normalcy as soon as possible, without haste but without stopping".

The expression "without haste but without rest" è the same used in the Instagram post published on Wednesday, in which Goggia showed fans the video of her return to the snow: "Four months later, first turns! We proceed without haste but without stopping: animus pugnandi – her words -. It will take time, calm and patience, è already so much to be on the snow today. A heartfelt thanks to those who support me … and endure".

Sofia Goggia's injury dates back to last February 5, when during a training session the 31-year-old champion è fell, suffering a fracture of the tibia and malleolus. Recovery, after subsequent surgery, was estimated at six months: if the timetable is met, Goggia would be ready for the start of the 2024/25 season, scheduled for the end of October.

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