Trieste also says goodbye to Giovanni Vildera

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Vildera via da Trieste

After Ariel Filloy's farewell, Pallacanestro Trieste says goodbye to another of the great protagonists of the Biancorossi&#39s return to Serie A. It is Giovanni Vildera, the MVP of Game 4 of the Finals, who after two seasons in Trieste is leaving the city to try his hand at another club. 

Announcing Vilderaès departure was General Manager Michael Arcieri: "On behalf of the Cotogna Sports Group, our entire team and staff, our fans and sponsors, and the entire city’of Trieste, I would like to express our deep gratitude to Giovanni for his outstanding contribution to our club’these past few seasons".

"Gio’s passion, skill, energy and desire to win have accompanied us during this incredible championship,” he continued, “He has been in many ways the inspirational leader of our team AND OUR CITY. To see him celebrated at half court after Game 4 of the Finals è was an indelible moment for everyone who cares about this team".

"And, most importantly, I would like to thank ‘The Lion’ on behalf of all the people, young and old, whose lives have been touched soì wonderfully by his endless hours of volunteering and sharing his time, talent and resources, all without seeking notorietyà or attention. John Vildera è what every professional athlete should aspire to. We wish him enormous success always, especially in this new chapter of his career" concluded the gm of the Julian society.

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