Pistoia, President Rowan makes announcement about new coach

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The words of Ron Rowan

Estra Pistoia Basket President Ron Rowan spoke to the official channels of the white-and-red company in view of the 2024/2025 sports season, starting with the market: "We are building a roster for next season that will have more physical tonnage and will be more versatile, looking at what è happened in the past championship, we know that we want to improve in rebounding presence, defense and as far as ball movement".

He then made an announcement about the Tuscan club’s next coach: "I can tell you that the new coach will be announced shortly and I am convinced that whoever arrives will certainly feel comfortable working together to achieve what are our goals. I have to say, however, that until now è it has been difficult to bring to Italy the coach we wanted because of the rules that favor more the’experience that a coach has acquired in the classroom than the experience that he è won on the field".

“In these early months we are always in a transitional phase,” added the number one of the biancorossi three months after the 'closing' of April 4 that saw the change of majority shares in Pistoia Basket -, moreover; in what è my first experience as president of an Italian basketball company, but we know what we want ours è a winning mentality and we would like to try to win".

"The promise we make to our fans è that we will work hard every day to achieve, with our sports project, more and more ambitious goals to give, on the one hand, continuityà to the company and, on the other hand, make sure that our team can aim for a playoff spot in the Serie A championship" concluded Rowan.

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