M’Bala Nzola, future at Fiorentina is marked: the clue

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The striker's stay seems more and more marked.

Fiorentina soccer market: M'Bala Nzola appears far removed from Raffaele Palladino’s technical project, so much so that his very permanence in the viola è more and more in the balance. Signals to that effect are not lacking, and over the weekend at least two arrived: one from the technician and one from the player.

As confirmed by the 'Corriere dello Sport', in fact, Nzola would no longer even be in Florence but rather in France. The reasons would be due to "personal matters", among which are però also his fates on the soccer market. In fact, if Fiorentina è is interested in other profiles for the attack (starting with Andrea Colpani, a pupil of Palladino already in Monza), for the French-angled player the prospects are those of a departure.

This is also shown by Palladino's list of summoned players, ahead of the round of friendlies Fiorentina will play this week in England. The Viola will face Bolton, Preston North End and Hull City between July 26 and 30, and Nzola will not be there. His è one of the few names absent from the lily team’s list of available players, which also includes Distefano, Lucchesi and Pierozzi.

In fact, here are the players who will be at Palladino’s disposal, as can be read on Fiorentina’s official channels:

AMATUCCI Lorenzo, 2004
BARAK Antonin, 1994
BARONCELLI Leonardo, 2005
BIANCO Alessandro, 2002
BIRAGHI Cristiano, 1991
BREKALO Josip, 1998
CAPRINI Maat Daniel, 2006
CHRISTENSEN Oliver (P), 1999
COMUZZO Pietro, 2005
FORTINI Niccolò, 2006
IKONE Nanitamo Jonathan, 1998
INFANTINO Gino, 2003
KAYODE Michael Olabode, 2004
KEAN Bioty Moise, 2000
KOUADIO Eddy Nda Konan, 2006
KOUAME Kouakou Christian Michael, 1997
KRASTEV Dimo Nikolaev, 2003
LEONARDELLI Pietro (P), 2006
MANDRAGORA Rolando, 1997
MARTINELLI Tommaso (P), 2006
MUNTEANU Louis, 2002
PARISI Fabiano, 2000
RANIERI Luca, 1999
RUBINO Tommaso, 2006
SOTTIL Riccardo, 1999

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