Federica Brignone reveals her relationship with geometry

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The Brignone and geometry

Federica Brignone, the protagonist of the second episode of the seventh episode of Federico Buffa Talks, the original Sky Sport production with Federico Buffa and  Federico Ferri, also talked about her skiing.

"I have always been someone who tried to ski her own way, all on the edges, very hooked on the snow – she explained -. I like to make turns, I don’t want to feel the ski almost sliding. For me è like I have a compass under my feet.  Based on what I feel under my feet I act accordingly".

"Since I was a child, the competitive spirit I had, I can assure you. Forò I did not have great results – she added -.  I liked to be with company, I had fun. I really liked being with other children, playing. Then when it was time for competition I was super-hyper competitive, that always, forò I did it to be with the group, experience the communityà".

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