Former Cagliari man Andrea Capone found dead in hotel

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Found dead in hotel l'ex-Cagliari Andrea Capone

È former Cagliari player Andrea Capone, class of 1981, the man found dead this morning with a head wound inside a hotel in downtown Cagliari.

118 and police were on the scene. From initial rumors, it would appear that Capone fell accidentally, possibly from the stairs, hitting his head.

Growing up in the Rossoblù youth ranks, Capone played not only for Cagliari but also for Sora, Treviso, Vicenza, Grosseto and Salernitana.

A midfielder, in Serie A he totaled 53 appearances and 6 goals cn the Rossoblù of the Sardinian capital. He also wore the jersey of the Italian national under-20 team in 2001.

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