Hellas Verona, team in training camp after nightmarish Saturday: Paolo Zanetti doesn’t mince words

Paolo Zanetti apologizes for 0-5 against Inter
At the end of a match that saw Hellas Verona overwhelmed by Inter, with the five Nerazzurri goals all arriving in the first 41 minutes of the game, Paolo Zanetti did not look for alibis and è took responsibility for a nightmarish Saturday for the Gialloblù environment, grappling among other things with the fifth defeat in the last six games and a ranking that is beginning to look scary.
"I think it is right to apologize to all the fans,” Zanetti told the microphones of 'Dazn' -It was an unseemly spectacle, we are not worthy of all the people who come to support us. I cannot say that we did well the first four minutes, or that if we had scored instead of getting the crossbar it would have changed the game: we took a hailstorm".
"Every verticalization of Inter became a goal, we missed all the offsides – added the coach of the Scaligeri -. Something wrong è clicked in our heads, we have to understand what it is. To do that we will go into retreat, until a later date. We have discovered too much on the side against a team of quality ".
This is not the first time Verona has produced a nightmarish first half: no more than a month ago, in the away match against Atalanta, the Scaligeri had in fact gone 0-5 down after just 34 minutes of play, before closing the match on 1-6. For now, the Gialloblù championship stands on successes against Napoli (3-0 on Aug. 18), Genoa (2-0 on Sept. 1°), Venezia (2-1 on Oct. 4) and Roma (3-2 on Nov. 3). There are as many as 9, però defeats in 13 matches.