World Indoor Tour, Italy rejoices with Zaynab Dosso and Eloisa Coiro

Brilliant results for Zaynab Dosso and Eloisa Coiro
In Belgrade, at the Gold stage of the World Indoor Tour, Italy's athletics can enjoy the successes of Zaynab Dosso in the 60 meters and Eloisa Coiro in the 800. The two blue athletes won with times in the finals of 7.12 (in the semifinals Dosso had also recorded a fine 7.08) and 2:01.98, respectively. These are also important results in view of the European Championships, with the event in Alperdoon, Netherlands, scheduled from March 6 to 9.
"C’è definitely something to adjust but I è liked the way I handled the race – explained Zaynab Dosso -. In winter we worked well with coach Giorgio Frinolli and this debut I wanted to face it with lightness and awareness: I think I succeeded. Too bad because I ‘fell asleep’ in the final, too soft supports at the start, I really slept!".
"There’ was too much time between the two trials and the tension è a bit; dropped – admitted the athlete of the Blue Flames -. Honestly, I expected even better as a chrono but this is not è a very fast track and we are working to present ourselves at the top in Apeldoorn and Nanjing, it is not è necessary that in every meeting comes the great performance".
Definitely satisfied Eloisa Coiro, also a representative of the Blue Flames of the Penitentiary Police: "Very happy – she said -. It was strange not to find the ‘pacer’ that usually in such important meetings is never missing, so è came out a more tactical, championship race, and I must say that I moved well: in the final I still had some. Being able to beat a 1:57 rival like Sekgodiso, and doing it in a Gold stage, è a good sign".