Olimpia, Ettore Messina makes bitter admission after loss to Trento

Olimpia, Ettore Messina makes a bitter admission after defeat with Trento
These are the words of a despondent Ettore Messina after his Olimpia Milano’s sharp 79-63 defeat in the Coppa Italia final in Turin against Dolomiti Energia Trentino.
“Congratulations to coach Paolo Galbiati and to Trento. They played a beautiful game, a beautiful Final Eight and it è not coincidental because theyé are also first in the standings. Ours è was a Final Eight of a worrying poverty, witnessed by the figures”.
“We were outclassed in every aspect of the game, there’è was very little ball movement, when we got a lead then we never went with a pass to the opposite side, settling for individual initiatives with little meaning and in fact for the second night in a row we packed a very low number of assists. Defensively, we got caught when they attacked our point guards in pick and roll” situations.
“We never held the’one-on-one. We were on our sixth game in 13 days. It can’t be an excuse but after so many games of this intensity; I had the feeling that we were just empty as attention, physicality;, intensity;. Instead, they had enthusiasm, energy and attacked us in our weak points”.