Marco Belinelli dreams of another scudetto at age 39

Belinelli’s words
Marco Belinelli told Corriere dello Sport what he would like to take care of after retirement: “È it’s hard to say, anything can happen. I don’t answer, when the time comes everyone will find out. Until a few years ago I would have said that basketball occupied a large part of my life. Now without a shadow of a doubt there are my little girls and my wife, every free minute I have è dedicated to them”.
From an early age, Belinelli aimed high: “I only ever had the goal of playing in the NBA and being able to measure myself against the best players in the world. I saw myself as a professional sharing the court and locker room with incredible players, trying to learn any detail from them. Then of course when d arrived I had experiences and emotions that I had not even remotely imagined. Until you touch it, you can’t really understand the level of organization and professionalism that there'è”.
Now, however, in Italy he is playing the role of captain and veteran: “On March 25 he will be 39 years old, è it is normal to feel more fatigue and you have longer recovery times than 10 years ago for example, and that still feels strange to me. I still have the fire and the passion for the game and to know that I can compare myself with much younger players, to be able to pass on to them what I in turn have learned from veterans, è a responsibility è but also a very great satisfaction”.
For this season, Belinelli still has a big goal: “I am back in Bologna to bring Basketcity back to the stages it deserves, Bologna è my home, I am the captain of Virtus, my desire è to bring the scudetto here again”.