Basketball, World Cup qualifiers: Spain also in the group of the Azzurri. The calendar

Second phase schedule finalized
The basketball World Cup qualifiers get into full swing with the start of the second phase, the schedule for which has been set.
Italy will be part of Group L with Ukraine, Georgia and Spain, which it will meet in round-robin matches. Iceland and the Netherlands are also in the group, but the two national teams’ challenges against the Azzurri played in the first phase are already counted in the group score.
It then begins on Aug. 24 away against Ukraine, on a neutral field to be decided. A few days later, on Aug. 27, a home match against Shengelia’s Georgia is scheduled at PalaLeonessa in Brescia.
Games against coach Sergio Scariolo’s Spain are scheduled for Nov. 11 at home and Feb. 26, 2023 away. Travel to Georgia on Nov. 14 and Ukraine at home on Feb. 23, 2023 to close out the match schedule. The top three in the group will qualify for the World Cup; there are no repechages.