Claudio Lotito warns suitors about Milinkovic-Savic

Claudio Lotito peremptory
“I will not sell Milinkovic-Savic, I will offer him a renewal. I reiterate, he is now worth 120 million, and every month that passes, the price goes up.” In an interview granted to Il Messaggero, Lazio president Claudio Lotito is explicit about the Serbian midfielder. “We will see with Sarri what to do, but it is clear that the market will also depend on the competitions we have to face the rest of the way,” added the number 1 of the biancoceleste club.
At the beginning of the millennium, the last two Scudettos went to teams with non-vertical striped jerseys: Lazio won it in 2000, Roma in 2001. The biancoceleste team thus repeated the title won in 1974, with Maestrelli on the bench and ‘Long John’ Chinaglia at the center of the attack.